Here are a couple of great articles we’ve found on the importance of sleep. Suddenly, many of us find ourselves eating, working, and sleeping in the same spaces which makes it difficult to draw boundaries around these activities. If we aren’t getting enough good sleep, it’s going to have effects on how we perform when we are awake. Here are a couple great articles we found on sleep. One is from the Journal of Accountancy, which seems pretty specific to accountants at tax season, but that can really be any profession during crunch time.
“Not getting enough sleep often fuels exhaustion that “can result in sloppy mistakes, unforeseen errors, and compressed timelines,” leading to increased stress, Adams said. What’s more, longer-term sleep deprivation can ultimately affect emotional regulation, reduce metabolism, and slow memory, Cralle said.”
“Unfortunately, if you’re sleep-deprived, you may not even realize it. “Most people think they’ve gotten used to sleeping less. They’ve just lost their point of reference and aren’t doing well,” Cralle said. “Sleep is a biological and a medical necessity.””
Read the full article here.
This article, from Healthline, gives even more tips and how each one leads back to health and well-being.
- Increase bright light exposure during the day
- Reduce irregular or long daytime naps
- Don’t consume caffeine late in the day
- Optimize your bedroom environment
- Exercise regularly, but not before bed
Read the full article here.